لا شك فى أن عمل نسخة إحتياطية للويندوز الخاص بك سوف يوفر لك الكثير من الوقت ولمن لا يعرف ما هى النسخة الإحتياطية للويندوز BACKUP فهى بكل بساطة عمل نسخة تصويرية لبارتيشن C المثبت عليه الويندوز بحيث إذا حدث سقوط أو تلف للويندوز تستطيع استعادته فى دقائق وبالبرامج التى قمت بتثبيتها قبل عمل النسخة الإحتياطية
والبرنامج الذى أقدمه لكم اليوم
Acronis True Image Home 2014
هو من أقوى وأشهر البرامج فى عمل هذه المهمة بكفاءة وبقدرة عالية جداً
البرنامج سهل جداص وبسيط ومرفق فى هذه التدوينة شرح شامل لطريقة تثبيت البرنامج وتفعيله والتعامل معه بشكل كامل
صور البرنامج
Acronis True Image Home is mainly known for its backup and restore capabilities. However, its feature list goes well beyond this, as it can be used to create drive and disk images and restore them when you need a clean system.
Restoration of the data can be done even if Windows becomes unbootable, because the suite allows you to create a bootable rescue media (CD/DVD or USB storage device). Furthermore, the Startup and Recovery Manager is capable to start Acronis before loading the operating system, by overwriting the master boot record and making available the option to boot straight into the program.
Try & Decide feature extends the functionality of the package, allowing you to make changes to the system and discard them at system restart if they’re affecting the system negatively. However, it also offers the possibility to apply all modifications.
All backup files created with Acronis True Image Home can be mounted as virtual drives. This way you can check the contents and even copy data without having to restore the entire copy.
The suite includes all regular forms of backup (full, incremental and differential) as well as some additional methods, such as NonStop Backup. This feature takes snapshots of the targeted file every five minutes, only if modifications are detected. What you get is revision control of the same item.
Apart from the solid backup features it offers, Acronis puts at your disposal a suite of instruments designed to help you keep the disks clean of unnecessary data. As such, System Clean-up utility can search for Windows activity traces (temporary files and history lists) and eliminate them.
Moreover, the bundle incorporates the possibility to sanitize hard disk space by running a set of overwrite routines that prevent recovery of any deleted items. Secure deletion is also on the list, Acronis offering an ample pack of efficient destruction algorithms (Peter Gutmann, Bruce Schneier, Russian and German standards, etc.).
Users running Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise can combine Acronis’ conversion capabilities with Boot Sequence Manager utility to turn system backup copies into VHD images and boot from them.
The process of backing up and restoring data with Acronis True Image Home is pretty fast, but it depends on the amount of files that have to be processed. You can enable sector-by-sector option to create an exact copy of the drive. Compression, validation and splitting options are also available for both disk and file backup images.
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